Advanced Filters
Used KARDEX Keyboard Logic Keypad 2080161 #124839
Expedited shipping services are available This piece is located at Ideal Machinery, Inc. on our s...
$895 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used TECHNOLOGY IND Digital Display TI-1001 #120365
TI-1001 Removed from: Forward Technology Industries, Model: B820, Serial: 1881-56747-1001, Expedi...
$181 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used UBE INDUSTRIES Operator Panel TU10022 #114021
Model: TU10022 Removed from: 500 Ton UBE Injection Molding Machine Model: PZ 500 UST-SA Serial: 2...
$272 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used GW INSTEK Oscilloscope GOS-6112 #107447
100 MHz 70 Watts, 90 VA 250 Volt Expedited shipping services are available This piece is located ...
$150 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used NISSEI Operator Control NC-8000F #99608
Model: NC-8000F Board Model: 4TP-OB127 Dimensions: 21 3/8 x 8 7/8 x 1 1/2 Weight: 9 lbs, 10 oz Re...
$3,950 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used REIS Operator Panel 1474411 #86443
Rev A Dimensions: 19 x 8 3/4 x 4 1/4 Weight: 3 lbs Removed from: REIS Type: RV6L Year: 1997 Exped...
$886 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used VAN DORN OP 398K Pathfinder Operator Control 6ES5398-0KB1 #78990
Type: 6ES5398-OKB1 24 Volt OP 398K OP398K This OP is compatible with Van Dorn HT 85-650 Ton Moldi...
$3,950 (USD)
Used VAN DORN OP 398K Pathfinder Operator Control 6ES5398-0KB12 #78097
OP 398K, OP398K Van Dorn Pathfinder EL Siemens EL This OP is compatible with: 85, 120, 170, 230, ...
$3,950 (USD)
Used NEMATRON CORP Operator Interface IC66A1-B431F561 #77356
50/60 Hz 90-265 Volt 8.0 Amp 12.1" N/T, 450 MHz, 128 MB 6G, F, CD, Win 95 Tested Good Expedited s...
$1,600 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used XYCOM Operator Panel 9487 #93595
P/N: 9487-2486616010000 Options: 4668 2.1 Amp 90-250 VAC 47-63 Hz Expedited shipping services are...
$4,136 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used KEYENCE CORP Monitor CA-MN80 #63726
Model: CA-MN80 Tested Good Monitor has surface scratches Expedited shipping services are availabl...
$120 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.
Used XYCOM Operator Panel 9487 #77003
PN: PM101587 CN: SO: 69797 90-250 VAC 2.1 Amp 47-63 Hz Boots up to MSDOS Expedited shipping servi...
$4,136 (USD)
Upon submitting an inquiry, a representative will reach out shortly to discuss your shipping options and costs.